Friday, November 12, 2010

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Well, I had no idea that the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's was based on a short novel.  And, I had no idea that the short novel was written by Truman Capote. Time to learn something new, at least for me - our selection for the next book forum is Breakfast at Tiffany's.  The book contains the 100 page Breakfast at Tiffany's plus three other short stories by Capote: "House of Flowers," "A Diamond Guitar," and "A Christmas Memory."

We'll meet on February 3rd, 2011.  A new twist to our forum is that we'll show the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's at 12:30 pm in the auditorium and then have our book forum at 2:30 pm in HUM 210, which is a classroom down the hall. Come to one, come to the other, or come to both. Food and drink are available at 2:30 as part of the book forum.

A review of the movie by the New York Times

The Truman Capote page at